09 December 2009

So uh….what the hell is it?

Lights--- “Between 7 and 9 o clock in the morning, December 9, 2009 this strange thing happened in the skies above Norway. Thousands of people saw this, took photos and filmed it and posted to their blogs. It appeared in the east, moving westwards”

Other Videos i found: Video 1

Video 2   ,   Video 3
Apparently there was something simmilar seen in China as well..Video on that here…

Jump to about 0.39 seconds in
(That is scary lookin as hell)

"Norwegian Meteorological Institute has received calls from people who have seen the mysterious giant spiral Trøndelag to Finnmark. - Folk fra helt nord i Finnmark til sør i Trøndelag ringer og sier de har observert lyset, sier Mona Mariann Lie ved meteorologisk institutt til VG Nett. - People from Finnmark in the far north to south in Trøndelag call and say they have seen the light, "said Mona Mariann Lie at the meteorological department to VG Nett. - Det snurret og eksploderte på himmelen, forteller Totto Eriksen fra Tromsø. - It spun and exploded in the sky, "said Totto Eriksen from Tromsø. "

"He and his daughter Amalie Nyborg (16) were on their way to work and school when the sky suddenly exploded. - Vi så det fra Indre havn i Tromsø. - We saw it from the Inner Harbor in Tromsø. Det var helt fantastisk. It was absolutely fantastic. Det så nesten ut som en rakett som snurret rundt og rundt, og så gikk på skrå nedover himmelen. It almost looked like a rocket that spun around and around, and then went diagonally down the heavens. Det så ut som månen skulle komme over fjellet, men så kom det noe helt annet, sier Eriksen. It looked like the moon was coming over the mountain, but then came something completely different, "says Eriksen. - Folk stoppet på kaia. - People stopped on the pier. Det var helt sykt, sier Eriksen. It was absolutely sick, "says Eriksen. - Det var som en kjempespiral - et stjerneskudd som snurret rundt og rundt. - It was like a giant spiral - a shooting star that spun around and around. Jeg trodde først det var en lyskaster. I initially thought it was a projector. Det lyser fortsatt, sier Axel Roseberg fra Alta. The lights still, "says Axel Rose Berg from Alta. - Det må være et fenomen som har skjedd i atmosfæren. - There must be a phenomenon that has happened in the atmosphere. Spørsmålet er om det har kommet ovenfra eller nedenfra. The question is whether it has come from above or from below. VG Nett har vært i kontakt med Andøya rakettskytefelt som opplyser at det ikke har vært noen oppskytninger onsdag morgen. VG Nett has been in contact with Andøya Rocket Range who said that there have been no launches on Wednesday morning"

"Do not know what it is Meteorologene i Tromsø vet heller ikke hva lyset skyldes. Meteorologists in Tromsø do not know what caused the light. - Vi aner ikke hva det er. - We have no idea what it is. Jeg tør ikke gjette heller, men det har visstnok vært veldig spektakulært, sier Trond Robertsen, vakthavende meteorologikonsulent ved instituttet i Tromsø. I dare not guess either, but it has apparently been very spectacular, "said Trond Robertsen, duty meteorology consultant at the department in Tromsø. - Folk beskriver lysbevegelsen som voldsomt, utrolig vakkert og til dels skremmende. - People describe lysbevegelsen as violent, stunningly beautiful and somewhat frightening. De beskriver det som nyttårsraketten som ligner en spinnende spiral, sier Robertsen til VG Nett. They describe it as New Year's rocket that looks like a spinning spiral, "said Robertsen to VG Nett. Han forteller at himmelen fortsatt er turkis på de stedene lyset kunne sees.Lysfenomenet varte i noen få minutter, like før klokken åtte onsdag morgen. He says that the sky is still turquoise in the places where light could sees.Lysfenomenet lasted a few minutes, just before eight o'clock Wednesday morning. Robertsen mener lyset tydligvis har kommet østfra. Robertsen said light tydligvis have come from the east. - Vi har fått telefoner fra folk fra Alta i nord til Kjøpsvik, like sør for Narvik, sier Robertsen. - We have received calls from people from Alta in the north to Kjøpsvik, just south of Narvik, "said Robertsen. "


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A humorous take on all things life and goings on in the greater San Antonio Texas region. Some of the sights and sounds of this city are pure Epic Wins! Smack Dab in the center of this HUGE state, i will bring u all that i strange and unusually hilarious from our culturally driven city.

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